Thursday, October 8, 2015

A black hole does not engulf

I tend to pluck the oddest bits of science out of the videos and books I read.  Of course, my inspiration is never ending, as the particularities are seemingly endless.  

I cannot remember now if the following was born out of Redefining Reality, a collection of science lectures I just finished listening to, or a conversation I had, or the Dark Universe planetarium show from London.  Whatever it was, it recalled my third grade essay printed on orange paper about black holes.  In the same way that 8 year old Jessi was impressed with an enormity I couldn't understand, present day me is equally dumbfounded by the beauty of our infinite universe.  

A light hearted image for a darker note.

A black hole does not engulf 

My steps linger. 
An inextricable force tightens the strings of my marionette limbs. 

Jerked back, I step into molasses, Then cement. 
From the horizon,
You watch my skin 
Fading into the infrared. 
I darken, invisible to your eyes
Unable to sever the cords. 

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